Jumat, 04 April 2014

Contest Rules SUPERWASH Laundry

Contest Rules SUPERWASH Laundry - Good morning everyone, this time I am going to share an article with the title of the Contest Rules SUPERWASH Laundry, yaps I will share an information about seo contest rules that are currently underway , organized by the keyword SUPERWASH SUPERWASH Laundry Laundry Franchise Business franchise Offers in Indonesia .
The contest prizes are rather large to me that this school still , this contest ends on 19 april 2014 , so there is still time to optimize in order to occupy the top position in order to receive the following gifts :
• 1st Prize Money worth 500,000 + Merchandise + Certificate• Champion 2 Money worth 300,000 + Merchandise + Certificate• 3rd place money worth 200,000 + Merchandise + Certificate• Winner of 4 s / d 10 each get pulse senilai@25.000
A gift like that I think is great because my pocket money just is not up 25ribu day , so okay if you can win , and most importantly untukl follow a contest seo contest is moreover an ordinance, because Juka does not follow the rules then you will not get a prize too , because the prize will be awarded to the next sequence that has followed the rules given by SUPERWASH laundry . And here are the rules general rules that have been determined by SUPERWASH bar , which must be adhered to and implemented by the seo contest participant .
• Implementation of the February 10, 2014 s / d 19 April 2014• Judging by the search google.co.id 24 April 2014 12.00• Announcement of winners : 25 April 2014• Theme / Keywords : "Superwash Laundry Bisnis Franchise Waralaba Murah di Indonesia "• Rating: SEO by position in google.co.id ( weighting 65 % ) and the quality of the articles ( 35 % weighting )• Participants : Open to the public , anyone can join or not customers• Everyone should help disseminate this informationBy following the rules pertaturan and you managed to rank which has diitentukan then you will bring home gifts , so the rules are very simple and can earn a lot of money , so congratulations to all racing .